Friday, August 19, 2016

YouTube Channel: Let's Play Dark Souls 3 Part 2: High Wall of Lothric

This is a no commentary playthrough of my first run of Dark Souls 3. In this episode we finally make our way to the High Wall of Lothric and brave the first real area of Dark Souls 3.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

YouTube Channel: Let's Play Dark Souls 3 Part 1: Cemetery of Ash

This is a no commentary let's play of my first run of Dark Souls 3. I have beaten almost all the previous Soulsborne games and have a good idea of what I am doing, but don't worry I still die many, many times. In this episode we start the game and brave the Cemetery of Ash, go to Firelink Shrine for the first time, and explore the area before heading to Lothric proper.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

YouTube Channel: Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin Random Bits: I Hate Maldron The Assassin

I don't like invasions at the best of times when playing Dark Souls, but when there's an NPC invader that acts like a real, dickish human invader and can't do anything to prevent them from invading you. You know you're in for some deep frustration.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Secondhand Opinions: Inside

Speaking as a PlayStation focused gamer I have to admit that I'm very jealous of Xbox One owners and people with actually decent PCs because they get to play what is looking to be one of the most interesting and memorable games this year. Inside is the long awaited follow up to Playdead Studios first project Limbo and at first glance one could be forgiven for thing that Inside is nothing, but a shinner, newer version of it's spiritual predecessor. Both games begin with a young boy in a forest, solving simple block puzzles, and avoiding hostile enemies that can make short work of you. But where Limbo didn't ever really evolve beyond that Inside takes its rather simple premise and takes it to some very dark places. Exploring themes of corporate greed, mind control, and bodily violation all without ever uttering a single word of dialogue and instead relying solely on the player's interactions with the game world to convey its themes. The game has been getting tons of perfect review scores from many gaming new outlets including ones that are very fickle with their praise. If you lack the proper means to play Inside like I do I highly recommend looking for a playthrough with absolutely no commentary because the atmosphere and sound design are masterful and it would be ruined if one were to watch with someone droning over it. Inside is one of those rare, near perfect games that is nearly impossible to be describe and must be seen to believed.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

YouTube Channel: Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin Random Bits: Defeating Sinh The Slumbering Dragon

Well after wallowing in despair of the inevitable heat death of the universe I final decided to stop being such a baby and upload videos again. Here is a video of me defeating Sinh The Slumbering Dragon in Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin aka one of the only good boss fights in that game.

Friday, May 6, 2016

YouTube Channel: Dark Souls 3 Random Bits: All Boss Fights

After several millions years of absence, I finally return with a video featuring my Herald Tyler of Astora conquering all of Dark Souls 3 boss fights. I tried my best to beat every boss by myself and in the end only had to summon for help against one single boss.

Big Thanks to Sky for helping me take down The Nameless King.

Monday, April 18, 2016

YouTube Channel: Star Wars Battlefront Random Bits: Triple Kill

Just a short and sweet video of my sister getting a pretty good triple kill in a Cargo Match.